Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Vacation is a state of mind.

Come listen to the morning song of the island. Where the blue and green water is like an emerald of the sea. The sand is soft and light, welcoming all to walk its shore. The sound of the waves comes crashing on one’s ears. Seagulls with their playful laugh, dance and call to each other in search of an easy meal. The sun, in its purposeful journey from the east to the west, highlights and beckons not too distant islands. Majestic ships quietly rest in the protection of the bay, content as they face into the winds of a new day. Wanderers, explorers, walkers, and lovers, ponder their thoughts in the serenity of the dawning day. All listen and then become part of the morning song of the island.

Our campsite was next to the beach and we spent splendid time on the beach, in hammocks, snorkeling, kayaking, and even a bit of hiking. We saw glow bugs in the water, an iguana, mongoose, deer, wild donkeys, geckos, and a vast assortment of fish in their habitat along the coral reef.

We met some wonderful people: other couples who shared their experiences, young wanderers, and even a teacher that teaches on the island and sidelines as a cook in a Bed and Breakfast.

Appropriate for a 10-year anniversary, there were times of wonder and times of challenges. In addition to the awe of the islands, our adventure consisted of many of the unexpected: an airplane delay due to a ground crew drama; lugging too much stuff between airport, taxi, & ferry; one night of sickness, likely due to the food of the prior evening; unexpectedly long trails; rain showers; and the worst, clouds of mosquitoes. All this actually added to the adventure, gave us great stories to tell, and could not come close to spoiling the time of relaxation and sheer beauty of God’s creation.

For photos or a higher res movie:

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