Friday, May 21, 2010

Life is like...


Life is like a sailboat. You just need to put up your sails, stick a rudder in the water and see where the adventure takes you. God is like the wind that fills your sails, provides the strength for the journey, and is there with you on the adventure.

Life is like a package. We are all given a unique package to open. We are not told what is in it, but our task is to discover it day by day. Many times, even most times, we need others to help with unwrapping of this precious gift.  It is not a jack-in-the–box that jumps out, but one that, emerges over time.

Life costs. There is pain, troubles, obstacles. It should be expected that there is a cost to something as precious as a life. By embracing life, we can enjoy the journey, even laugh a bit along the way.

Life is like driving a car a night, you only see a few feet in front of you. You can’t see the destination or all the events you pass in the darkness, but you do arrive at your destination by following the road before you.

In our search for this life we must be careful to not become blinded to the needs of others and miss the opportunity to help another life, to offer a word of hope, of comfort, to laugh, or smile, or even cry with them in the darkness. Our life is part of the gift we all have, that is meant to be offered to others. This is love.

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