Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Letter

I am a poor boy too; I have no gift to bring.

Shall I play for him?

I played my best for him

Then He smiled at me, pa rum pum pum pum Me and my drum.

Little Drummer Boy – It is amazingly easy to fall into the trap of thinking of ourselves as poor. Poor in sprit, poor in circumstance, poor with struggles, even poor financially. We think we have nothing to give or we think we need to give big expensive gifts, yet the only gift that really matters is one of the heart, the giving of ourselves. Christmas is about God setting the example by giving of himself, his son.

(Get on with it and tell them the news!) Oh, yea, the news…We are moving to Alaska to help teach igloo construction (Whap! Boom!, Ouch!) Ok, OK, just kidding. Here are the highlights.

 We moved Sarah into college in August, to the University of Vermont. Wow! Our little girl is growing up…it was just yesterday when she was sitting on my lap…Ok I have to stop before the tears get into my laptop. ……..

We are very proud of this little drummer girl as we see her developing her gifts, one of them being that of an excellent student, as she matures and steps out into the world!  As Alyssa likes to say “Yea Sarah!”  (Now mom is crying, Quit  that!)

Trumpets sounding…..Beth is Hospice Nurse of the year out of about 100 nurses in the region. She still holds autograph signings every Friday at Town Hall.  We had to enlarge the front door to allow her to come in with her large halo! Great confirmation.  Pa rum pum pum pum, Beth and her drum.

Brenden, the current specs on him is that he is 6’4”+, 205 lbs, plays Rugby and loves trying to best his dad. I now have to resort to cheating and dirty tricks. He is a senior in H.S. and has decided that he wants to become an Aerospace Engineer. He has NC State in his sights for the fall.  Between Band, his busy social life, and of course, girls, we don’t see much of him.  He is very social and loves playing his drum for all his friends.

Alyssa, now 4, is our dancing princess and rarely misses an opportunity to dance. She loves learning at “home school” and can’t wait until starting kindergarten in the fall. In the fall, we were riding our bike everyday to one of the many playgrounds in the area. She loves reading, “school work” on the computer, changing outfits 4 times a day, and playing with friends. Oh yea, she is now swimming laps with Mom. I think I heard mom say “wait for me Alyssa” the last time they were swimming (What do you mean, tell the truth, what fun is that!)

Beth and I were part of Chameleon’s Journey, a grief camp for kids that have lost a loved one. Just like in the Little Drummer Boy movie. (The movie link is below, in case you need a review) We were there to help them find their drum, what a privilege! 

As for myself,  I’m still trying to find out how to act my age, but that is hard as I can’t  remember how old I am and I can’t count past 20 without a calculator! Speaking of that, I’ve gone back to school! Whoa! Talk about a shock to the system! There is stuff that I have not had to think about for well over two decades! This is really a young man’s game, but as I just said I don’t know how to act my age. So far I have taken 16 credits, all online, it’s a new world of education. My goal is to go into teaching. I think I have finally figured out what to do when I grow up. Teach! Pa rum pum pum pum, me and my drum.

I hate to admit it but we have become Dave Ramsey fans. It took getting hit by a brick, but we needed some education and change when it comes to managing money. It’s one of those thing where you think you are doing pretty well, and then you find out the truth!, Ouch that hurts. Anyway, through God’s crazy way, He has used this as a way for us to help others. I’m leading a Financial Peace University Series at our church, and we had 28 families sign up. I’ve heard from many in the group about the positive change the class has made in their lives, not just in how they manage money but how they even relate as husband and wife. Cool stuff.  I hope you can join us.

As I strive to do great things, I am finding that it is the little things that matter the most. A smile, a hug, a listening ear, a baby in a manger….

Peace on earth, goodwill towards all men.

Kirk &  Beth

If you don’t know who Dave Ramsey is ,look here:

 If you have not seen the Little Drummer Boy movie, or want to see it again, you can see it here:

 "Little Drummer Boy", David Bowie and Bing Crosby

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